Saturday, February 28, 2009,
So I tried to shake my booty today, lol and for those that know me. You know that I have what I call a "negative tush" but I tried and tried and shook as hard as possible, wobbled, wined the whole, sha-bang ! and guess what? I suceeded, yup lol, i'm proud to say tiny booty girls unite.. We can do it too ! haha.
1:08 AM
![]() Guess who's back, back again ... "I am back" tell a friend. Guess who's back guess who's back ... Ya, you get the point lol Sorry it took so long, my mind was elsewhere, my fingers couldn't stand to blog, and I lost track of dates. Today was an official bummer ! I was suppose to go out to "celebrity walk out" but instead I ended up staying home and taking the best bubble bath of all time ! oh heavens, knows I needed the time to myself to just soak, meditate, relax, and finally clear my mind. I'm over stressed with school and I need to make it so, I can stand it and actually attend, i'm not tryna prolong my stay at that wack school any longer. It's driving me crazy just the other day I walked in to get swarmed by my cousins about some beef they are in and the fact it needed to be solved.. Because i'm queen problem solver, and know the easiest way to solve their problems, they chose to come to me right? lol But aside from that I love that I have all three of them at one school, It's mighty convenient. But on to other things, my sugar plum just went to bed. Now i'm stuck talking to losers on msn lol ughhh, this sucks. I wish, I went to the party man but then I heard there was alot of drama. Why must mans feel the need to light up their spliffs in a party? Or elbow the girl next to them because the guy infront of them rammed them. Ughh, such useless idiots & it's shameful to say I probably know the people that were causing the trouble too. How embaressing right? but ah well. I will share, whats been clouding my mind the past few days tommorow. I just wanted to make sure I noted that I am okay :) Later days, pals !
12:41 AM
Monday, February 23, 2009,
"I never knew love until you loved, never thought that I’d fall in love.
6:38 AM
Sunday, February 22, 2009,
"Last night we had a one night stand, but when I woke up in the morning I missed you. You see, all i'm saying is can I see you again? Cause when you left, you took a part of me with you" Got to thank Tika Simone, for posting this on her facebook. I seen it on her facebook, took time to watch it and just the beginning caught my eye, and it just captivated me. Pretty damn, funny in my eyes, people do not realize how much girls could be just as game as dudes. These girls not only turned it on him, and drugged him in the club using the date rape drug, but they took advantage of him in the worst way, I guess you can say - He enjoyed his last one night stand lol. It's actually not so funny, because I know if I was a dude I would be going crazy. But in this case, it's very true that girls indeed could be just as bad as guys in alot of situations. Wether it be relationship wise, sexually, there isn't really much that seperate each genders mentality, if you really look it. Being that I grew up around all guys, I definetly can tell you they aren't much different, I can see things in both situations - a guys point of view as well as a girls. But back to the video, I made one of my boys, watch the video and state his opinion, on what he would do in this situation and his answer was very simple : "I would hunt those ladies down" That's only fair in the case of the scenario. Also, I got a ladies opinion on what would make a girl do something like that from my babygirl Posh, heres what she said : " My response would be because she's been used and misused by so many men; she figures its time to get back at them in a literal sense. They took apart of her ; she probably thought she was in love and it was mutual and they just up and left ; derranged females ; that need mental help" I agree with her fully, that was my take on it as well. But i'm interested in hearing the rest of your opinions..
7:38 PM
Friday, February 20, 2009,
Okay, so I finally had to continue this. Because it really annoys me, I am so curious as to why so many people are acting like they are so affected by the Chris brown and Rihanna case, why her picture is practically atleast 9,000 peoples profile picture. So, I had to start a discussion in my status on fb, this is how it went : ![]() Simone is really curious as to, how she knows so many "rihannas" i looked at my friendslist and I keep seeing the same face. how does this affect your life? :/.
Splurge S. at 1:24pm February 20
9:47 AM
Thursday, February 19, 2009,
Homeless Beatboxer - Red :
Jewish Reggae Artist & Beatboxer - Matisyahu :
Beatboxer & Singer - Unknown :
6:07 PM
Tuesday, February 17, 2009,
![]() So much going on in my mind, it's like a thought invasion I don't even know where to start or what to write about. This is probably not gonna be the first or last time, you see me write this either, people always tell me "I think to much" and my response always is, "that they think to little" good rebuttle don't you agree? but damn, I think i'm starting to agree. Everything hit me today, from relationships (boyfriend - girlfriend, girlfriend - girlfriend, how ever you like it) and school, success, life, love, hate, babies, future, careers. My mind was a battlefield and every topic was trying to take center stage at one time. So i'm gonna give a summary to each. You may wanna get a drink, snack, or something because this may take awhile, I may just post the start now because I got to crash I got school in the a.m. Okay i'm gonna start with my whole problem with school, if you don't know i've been in it for awhile, just as anyone else but my time has been prolonged. And I blame no one else but myself, it's not because i'm a bad kid, I don't pick fights, I dont get suspended, etc. It's because I am scar'd, I know your probably sitting there going wth? well I read my horoscope and it really touched me because this is much of the reason why i'm being affected so much it says : "It is likely that you are being held back by certain traumatic events of your past. Before you will be able to make further progress in your life, Simone, you must address these painful memories once and for all. If it feels too frightening to do so on your own, by all means seek professional help. You will find that mustering up the courage to do this difficult emotional "housecleaning" is more than half the battle." I've been holding on to my past for so long the I never took time to realize the affect it was really having on me, and I let it hold me down for years. But i'm thinking about re-joining councilling again, while I was in it - I was getting back on track, but I feel myself slipping, again, slowly... Now onto relationships, I see all the smiling faces, all the romance, and I wonder why I don't have that. But then I already know my answer, it's because of "me" and no one else, i've turned down, neglected, mistreated many chances of love. And yet, I continue to do so, before I was open to love, I would explore my options. But now, I think i'm more set on a 'me myslef & i' mentality. It's been me, and I think until I figure out myself, and better myself, and get everything on track, it's gonna continue to be me. But there is one person that is always there for me, someone I know I can talk to, depend on when I need them there, no matter ups and downs, and they really make me think, and I know that they will read this, so maybe it's time I make it, 'me myself & you' ? But then jealousy, comes to play and everyone that knows me knows that I have a major issue when it comes to that, call it 'self insecurity' but the simplest thing will have me questioning, I don't like seeing you half dressed in pictures, I don't like the negative time I get with you, I wish there was more time, I wish I still felt special when talking to you, I wish for alot of things, but I know I must play my part as well... Babies, pregnancy is a beautiful thing, 9 months of a beautiful bond - created between a fetus to an embryo to your beautiful fully formed blessing with their life supply, their home, the one who is holding up their surroundings, their Mother. I must start off by saying congratulations to three of my lovely girlfriends, who are getting to experience this, carrying another life, carrying themselves in a smaller form, going from daughters to beautiful mothers. You three know who you are and I love all six of you, and I will be with each of you on the most important day, the start of, the entering of your fresh start, new life, and new love.. the birth of your child. & The rest, is coming soon...
10:49 PM
Monday, February 16, 2009,
Now when I think back to the days you were mine Oh how I wish I can flip a switch to turn back the hands of time You were the one that made me real Now that you're gone tell me what in the world am I suppose to feel. Without you here with me ? Something tells me I've been robbed, Of the love I felt that you should have given Never thought you would leave me on my own But I see that it's over And I hope one day you're mine... -Ryan Leslie
9:58 PM
Sunday, February 15, 2009,
I'm gonna start off by saying, I am having the most amazing weekend ever ! Yes you better believe it having my annual sleepover, it's crazy ! Just when you think that it can't get any better i gets even funer. Haven't had any sleeping problems just as yet, we though we would have had some but everyone pretty much found a spot to sleep or atleast their bodies dropped and they were comfy enough to stay there for the rest of the night. I ended up on my sleeping bag beside"chris brown" pft. But it was all fun either way, pt.2 of the night starts now ! Everyone's on the way so it should be fun, i'm excited but i'm about to pull back out my baileys and milk it has me good. Like my song said, "baileys in the morning, and in the afternoon, baileys in the evening and underneath the moon" ! But enough on that. ![]() Details on the sleepover coming soon, toodles.
5:47 PM
Saturday, February 14, 2009,
First off : I got my comment box now - leave your love and let me know you been checking my blog out ! thanks for stopping by. " Turn off his phone cause them hoes keep on churpin it. Tell me that I got the fattest p#$%y in the whole world and if I let him eat it i can be his old girl. F#$k I look like turning down some head, I mean that's sorta like a bird turning down some bread. You can eat it like a treat, you can squart it, you can skeet, i'm a freak, I love to beat just don't get none on my sheets - Nicki Minaj "
1:57 AM
Friday, February 13, 2009,
These are two of my favorite songs at the moment, mainly because of the messages behind them along with the fact that I can relate to them so well. There very hit home songs, I listen to them when i'm in tha emotional mood, that time for some slow songs type feel. There both by two not so well known artists, but they are extremely talented and on the rise, so if you heard of neither. I suggest you check them out the first song called "I'm yours by: Jason Mrax" and the second song is called "I fell in love with you - by : Priscilla Renea". Hope you enjoy, I had fun recording them as always, singing is a fun thing to do, its so much easier when you actually enjoy what your singing, that's all for today, I'm not in the mood to vent it's a me,myself&I kind of day ! Check out the youtube page : http://www.youtube.com/cuteeeeesz
5:46 PM
Thursday, February 12, 2009,
"Grab a bucket and make sure it's really close to you, before you attempt to do anyting that I tell you to do in this blog ! Btw, this is not for the weak hearted or stomached haha." Why in the hell, do people really make videos like 2 girls 1 cup and shit like that, what type of sick amusement do these people get out of this? Aside from the fact that I want to gag, while watching why do we take type to watch and make reactions? lol .. My conclusion is, because that is some shit (literally) that we know us sane ass people would not do this for the life of useven if we were paid hundreds of thousands, then again I know people that would willingly take up that offer lol. Have you ever sat there watching this shit and wanted to turn it off and yet you just gotta keep watching to see what the hell could possibly happen next? Even if it means your doing a full sprint to the bathroom once it's done? Because I know I do lol like why the hell does this type of stuff really peak our interest? We all know its down right nasty but we can't take our eyes off of it ! Like goddamn, if you havent watched them - then do so ! and you'll see exactly what I mean you'll want to throw up all over the computer desk, on your keyboard, on the screen, on the floor. And yet you will not alow yourself to press stop, I should put money on this shit ! lol Check out : 2 girls 1 cup 4 girls finger paint Genitals and hatchet 1 girl 1 pitcher (ive yet to watch it) 1 guy 1 cup & if theres more ew ! lol But definetly comment and let me know your views on it. This is by far gonna be the nastiest blog i've done & the silliest advice given.
12:34 PM
Tuesday, February 10, 2009,
"That's the strange thing its actually yours now i dont know why it works this way but im never going to be able to get over you and so from now on every girl that i meet with be maticiously compared to you and unfortunately none of them will be able to measure up to the false memory of what me and you had." This is now my ultimate favorite song, for numerous reasons - If you know me, you would know the full details on relationships and I, especially past relationships. Not that I am against them at all, I love the idea of having a companion, and the time spent, and the beautiful bond that is created between two people. Unfortunately, I couldn't say i've treated alot of my exs the best, I have been accused of changing some very amazing men into the heartbreaking, unfaithful men they are now. Oh yay! because someone would really like to be responsible for that right? pft. I cannot undo the mistakes I made, but there was reason behind all of them, I do apologize however to the hearts I mistreated and the men I neglected. Now years after the reason for why I coudn't give my love to those, I can say I am changed, and I do wanna give real love a try, I guess you could say I had to learn it the hard way. Karma did some double backflip - in the air, wwf smack down type shit on my ass, and I deserved it. But, I do hate that in the long run, I lost a really special person, and a chance at something real but now, I must deal with it. I finally got my heart back, and I promise never again to hurt anyone because i've now felt what it's like to be hurt, i've finally felt pain - I've seen what dis-trust, neglect, and cheating could do and I no longer want to be apart of it, I thank the one that shown me the right way and I sincerely apologize for all i've put him through, at the end of the day... He saved my soul before it was lost for good. *This is a promise to all my future relationsips : I will not neglect my partner. I will not make un-necessary visits to friends of the opposite genders house. I will give love a try, genuinely from my heart. I will keep it real with you, no matter what the situation may be & More.
2:58 PM
Monday, February 9, 2009,
You are a succesful young woman or man, does that mean for every mistake you make, every problem you have it should be broadcasted and you should be over - penalized because of your status? or new fame? In my opinion I think not ! Yes, your in the public eye, and fans look up to you, but what people don't understand is before you became famous you were one of us, and after your career you'll go right back to being one of us. I love a few musicians, and respect them for their music and depending on their lyrics, for tem as well, alot of artist will write genuinely from the heart, it will be on something they mean or how they feel and that's what helps us make a better connection with them, in my opinion - but I always look at it as "a young everyday fella/female who had ambition to chase his/her dreams and make it" not "omg the biggest hottest celeb *drool drool* lol" you get the point? The latest case of chris brown and rihanna, as unfortunate as it is that it happened, behind everything there is a reason, behind every action theres a re-action, he more than likely was given reason to act how he did, do I condole hitting a women, or the opposite or same gender, in most cases no, in some cases yes - why I say that, is because we are all humans, and as humans we have emotions, we get happy, mad or sad - my most prominent emotion is mad, and it could make you act imbalanced and often on impulse, but this is why I tell everyone, a certain point of anger is harmful and you need to learn when to put it under control. So, three anger management classes, and two therapists later, here I am lol I kind of went off track, but back to the C&R case, If his fan base is shaken by this event, It just shows how high on a pedastale people put celebs, I don't want to inquire on what, why, or how but I do hope his actions are something he just had to do, not on impulse, but because in his mind, there was nothing else to do, and even if it was an instant reaction - The fact that he was man enough to turn himself in, should show the people enough. I highly respect C.B as an artist, and as another average man. But like all average humans, we all go through dark times so that we would be able to see brighter days - some darker then others, but in all we must keep our head up and heart strong, because the biggest let down is letting yourself down, not anyone else. I'm starting to doze again so, bedtime it is !
7:02 PM
Sunday, February 8, 2009,
I think it's about time that I, admit this to myself. I got an addiction to youtube like dang ! lol I watch it daily, mainly it's the martin lawrence show by the time it's half way into the month, I would have watched his entire series ! It's about time that I, start looking for a new job I got a minor shopping addiction as well. I see it, I want it, and get it - Real bad habit. I'm curious, how do people replace feelings and people so quickly I have a really close friend and there's always a new mate every month I couldn't say, I love someone and then 30 days later say I love someone new and be replacing close intimate photos and putting them out there publicly. Well I guess I used to do that, but my feelings were never genuine, as horrible as it sounds ! it's the truth, game recognize game meh* Love is a real complicated thing, it forever makes me wonder. Is their a real thing, such as soulmates, one person meant for you someone who is a match for you and connects with you perfectly. Hmm.. I'm gonna ponder that one and get back to yall. Peace.
6:28 PM
Saturday, February 7, 2009,
You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy, when skies are gray you'll never know dear, how much I love you, please don't take my sunshine away. This is my very first blog, yay me ! I decided to start today, as I am waiting for my buttercup to get time out of her busy schedule, to fix my page for me. She's a sweetheart for even accepting to do so, so illest baby - thank you ! I'm sitting here at, 6:42pm in major pain trying to think nothing but happy thoughts so I can tune out the major pain coming from my mouth I got my braces two days ago, and the temptation to pull out the blasted thing has been a daily thought. But then thinking about the end result, and it's the only thing that's keeping me from doing so. Like i told my cousin, the only thing beyonce will have on me when I take them off, is an ass, boo-yah ! Maybe that was a slight boost, but hell can't blame a girl for dreaming lol But on to better things, I am so not looking forward to going back to school, but at the same time it is mandatory, so I might as well just suck it up and do what I gotta do meh* I think just about every girl I know that attends my school has some sort of dislike for the numb skulls that attend, especially those one word, one goal, not to attractive dudes that constantly make it part of there daily routine to holler at the first good looking girl they see enter the school doors. Like go to class ! it's bad enough were all at the school were at but then you don't come for the things you need to, you are bound to attend atleast five years after you should've graduated. I plan to get out of there asap ! and that is no joke. I'm about to write another poem, but I have no idea what i'm gonna write about, maybe I should write about the illest girl i know, or on the headache of an ex, or on my excitement for perfection - hmm who knows, so many thoughts. But let me fill yall in, on a personal level - for those that didn't know I like her, and no one else, I can't even say at the moment - because it's been like this for awhile now. For some reason my attraction to these guys, are really dropping drastically and I don't know why, but to say I cared would be a lie, sorry fellas ! But the one that stays on my mind, the one in my dreams, the one who makes me smile is all her, I can finally say i'm over the one man that has had my heart for the past few years. Yes, it took awhile but i'm happy to say it is what it is, it took awhole lot of will power, but i've gotten over worse so it was time to let go, and let it be - like I had written in my most recent poem. But I will continue this very soon, the pain is increasing and that means my bed and a book is calling me so i will ttyl, bye loves ! Stay tuned.
6:15 PM